Sunday, December 8, 2013

                         Right Focus!

                I have seen some things!
      The good, the vain and the humble.

I remember riding my bike through the neighborhood when I was 15 years old. I loved the freedom I felt and the Independence I craved. Not a care in the world. Just the cool breeze flowing over me. I was minding my business, riding along, when one of the boys from my high school was in front of his yard talking to his friend. He was a crush, as I rode by he hollered,"go home and fix your hair." Funny how the breeze turned into hot sheering heat on my face.
     Sometimes we don't ask for others advice, but boy do we get it. Some people were design to try and erode your self esteem. I call it the self hate promoters. They seem to be design to berate you and make you feel rejected and small. I remember having a good cry when I got home. I understand why they call it a crush, because that was how I felt. Wearing your innocence and heart where it can be seen has been a life long episode. Caring for people who don't care, loving the loveless, experiencing pain at the hand of the cruel. It's been the stray pup effect, bringing in dogs that later bite you.
     When you are so very young it good to have someone protecting your future, your heart, soul and body. There is so much you don't know and those waiting to devour your essence, life and intelligence. Sit down with someone who truly loves you and be open to gleam the grace that comes out of their heart and lips. Don't be so quick to think every one is against you! Parents, grands, aunts and good uncles where are you at, we need to help this generation along. Strengthen them with your wisdom, knowledge and prayers.
     I remember older people would say, life is a humbler. Truer words were every spoken. I look at an great leader, who have just pasted away and see all the good, one focused life can have. I lived though Nelson Mandela's incarceration and remember how he was wronged. But, God is the master planner!

He was a man of love and peace, he humbled a nation with his insight and divine light! 

     Your beauty is not subjugated to your tresses, Oh you are so much more then the strands upon your heads daughters.The inner beauty you project as you embrace God's love and light within you. Be at peace with yourself, don't war with yourself. Give yourself a chance to grow, don't abort your dreams. Challenge yourself daily to check off something on your positive goal sheet. Mainly love yourself and  honor your awesome creator. Until next time, love and harmony to you! Thank you for your precious time.


  1. such an awesome inspiration your words flow so eloquently
